Code学習日誌 (石井大輔)

html/CSS/JavaScript/Ruby/Python学習したことを日々つれづれと書きます。Fashion Tech分野で米国での成功目指し頑張っています。Twitter@ishiidまでお気軽にご連絡ください。

Database Intro 2

-Select * from links where votes > 10 

-order by votes desc/asc

-append = 添える

-Joins = multiple tables

select link * from link, user where link, and'spez'


seguential scans(slow with lots of data) : links [link1, link2, link3,    ]

indexes(increase the speed of queries) : index {1:link1, 2:link2, 3:link3,     }

def build_link_index():


for l in links

index[]=l return index

-Indexes for sorting

hashtable - not sorted, constant time

tree- sorted, lookups are slower

-Reddit Hotness Algo - hot_idx


Atomacity - all parts of transaction succeed or fail together

Consistensy - the database will always be consistent

Isolation - No transaction can interfere with another

Durability - once the transaction is comitted, it won't be lost


-Replication Lag

-Google App Engine Datastore 難しすぎて今はパス

Tables - entities / columns are not fixed / all have an ID / parents & ancestors

Using the Datastore - Python — Google Cloud Platform